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  • Member Clubs to promote and play the game of bowls according to EBF and YBF rules. The required dress code of grey trousers / skirts with white shirts / blouses with collars and regulation bowling shoes must be observed by players at all times. The wearing of Club ties is not compulsory. There is no rule regarding hosiery. Clubs are reminded that they are responsible for the dress code of their members.
  • All greens are to comply with the required standard – with rink markers, 2 metre, 4 metre and minimum cast markers on both sides of the green and 2 metre length canes available to use at both ends of the green. A metric land tape to be available at all matches in the event of any cast queries.
  • All Yare League matches to be played in rinks, commencing at 6.30 p.m. for 18 ends.All Yare matches to commence at 6.15pm from 01st. August. Anglia League games to be played as scheduled.
  • A team player arriving late may take part with the agreement of the opposing Captain if the match has already commenced. If a block has to play with a player short, the order of play is (Lead X, Lead Y, Middle) three times and then skips play as normal.
  • The front edge of the mat to be placed at two metres on for the first live end and thereafter the mat can be moved any distance up the green so long as the jack can be cast to a minimum length of 23 metres. If a cast is not achieved initially, the jack is to be returned to the opposing lead to cast.
  • If the jack is struck into the ditch, it is live but similar woods are dead. Woods must be in rink and within 2 metres of the jack to count.
  • If the jack is in rink, including in the ditch, with no woods within 2 metres of it, then a no-scoring end is recorded. If the jack is struck out of rink, the end is replayed.
  • Matches cancelled because of inclement weather must be re-arranged for play by the declared end of season date.. The League Secretary to be informed of the new date within 7 days. If a date cannot be agreed within these time scales, then the match points will be divided equally between the teams involved.
  • If a match is stopped because of inclement weather then providing 75% of the overall game has been played (i.e. 54 ends in total) that score will count as the final result. If 54 ends have not been played the match will be re-arranged and re-played in its entirety.
  • Points awarded are as follows:  Each rink win – 1 pt.  Each rink draw - ½ pt.  Yare match win – 3 pts..  Anglia match win – 1 pt.
  • Clubs who cancel matches for reasons other than inclement weather will forfeit 7 points and their opponents will be awarded 5 points. Their membership of the YBF may be reviewed
  • After 1st.May, new players must be registered before play with the League Secretary, If an unregistered player, or one who has played for another team takes part, then all shots scored on that rink will be forfeited
  • All result cards to be returned to the League Secretary by 1st class post.     
  • Mobile phones should be switched off on the green except in exceptional circumstances
  • HOWLETT TROPHY RULES if the match ends in a draw the following will apply.
  •  a) All blocks will play an extra end.
  •  b) If the match is still tied then a further extra end will be played        by one block from each side selected by the captains.
  •  (The rink and block to be nominated before the match)